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Kamini Fox
2 days ago3 min read
Foreclosures Near Me: How to Find Listings and Navigate the Process
If you’ve been searching for “foreclosures near me,” you’re likely looking for affordable properties or resources to manage a foreclosure si

Kamini Fox
6 days ago4 min read
How Much Does It Cost to Retain an Attorney in NYS for a Foreclosure?
Facing foreclosure can feel like being caught in a storm without an umbrella. If you’re in New York State, you may wonder: “How much does it

Kamini Fox
Jan 20, 20224 min read
Advantages of Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Advantages of Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
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Kamini Fox
Aug 12, 20213 min read
A New Bipartisan Bill Will Make it Easier to Get Student Loan Debt Discharged
The new bill under consideration would allow student loan debt to be discharged under certain criteria.
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Kamini Fox
Jul 16, 20213 min read
What does bad-faith mean in terms of bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy in bad faith means that a person or entity uses the bankruptcy law in a manner other than is legally intended.
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Matthew Schuller
Jun 19, 20213 min read
Talk to Your Adult Children about a Health Care Proxy
As parents, we are used to being able to make decisions for our kids. When children turn 18, they are legally responsible for themselves,...
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Kamini Fox
May 12, 20213 min read
Can you Lose Your Home Due to Medical Debt?
When it comes to bankruptcy, there are laws and guidelines to protect you from losing your home.
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Kamini Fox
May 4, 20214 min read
Improve Your Credit Score after Bankruptcy
Having a bankruptcy on your credit report does not mean you cannot get credit before the 10 years.
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Kamini Fox
Mar 29, 20212 min read
Subchapter V – A saving grace for small businesses
The Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) was signed into law in August of 2019 and became effective in February of 2020.
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Kamini Fox
Mar 17, 20213 min read
An Automatic Stay Provides Immediate Relief
When a person or a business files for bankruptcy protection, an automatic stay is granted. The automatic stay is “automatic” upon the...
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Kamini Fox
Jan 30, 20213 min read
What Happens to a Commercial Lease During a Bankruptcy?
With bankruptcy protection is that there is an automatic stay on most actions against the individuals or organizations upon filing.
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Kamini Fox
Dec 16, 20203 min read
What is a 341 Meeting?
When an individual files for a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, one of the first things to happen is a 341 meeting.
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Kamini Fox
Nov 11, 20204 min read
Dealing with a Foreclosure
Homeowners across Long Island have been feeling the strain caused by the pandemic since March.
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Kamini Fox
Oct 13, 20204 min read
When Can Your Salary be Garnished?
One of the biggest fears of people who are in debt is that a creditor will start to take money directly out of their paycheck.
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Kamini Fox
Sep 16, 20203 min read
Personal Liability on Commercial Property
The New York City Council has enacted legislation to protect people from personal liability on Commercial Leases during COVID.
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Kamini Fox
Aug 11, 20205 min read
What are some Alternatives to Bankruptcy?
Alternatives to Bankruptcy for Secured and Unsecured Debt Bankruptcy is a big step to take.
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Kamini Fox
Jul 14, 20204 min read
Are General Partners Personally Responsible for Business Debts?
As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, more people are considering bankruptcy as an option to attempt to save their businesses.
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Kamini Fox
Jun 16, 20203 min read
Will I Lose My Retirement Savings if I File for Bankruptcy?
The thought of possibly losing your home and property is one thing. The idea of losing your retirement savings is another.
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Kamini Fox
May 13, 20204 min read
CARES Act Sections 4022 and 4023 – Mortgage Forbearance
New York State on Pause is the official executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo due to COVID-19.
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Kamini Fox
Apr 14, 20204 min read
Subchapter 5 Bankruptcy – An Alternative for Small Businesses
Small Businesses may benefit from the new Subchapter 5 Bankruptcy under Chapter 11.
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