New York Bankruptcy Attorney Kamini Fox
Kamini Fox has helped thousands of individuals and families get a fresh start and businesses to reorganize
If you are falling behind on paying your mortgage or credit card bills, have debt you are unable to control including judgments against you or you own a business facing financial difficulties, you may benefit from the legal skill of caring counsel of Bankruptcy Attorney Kamini Fox.
Our law firm, located in Garden City, New York, focuses on bankruptcy and had over 20 years’ experience in New York Bankruptcy Law.
Kamini Fox knows that each client has unique needs and concerns. Ms. Fox takes the time to understand the client’s issues and goals. Then takes a hands-on approach and goes to bat for her clients using her knowledge, skills, and expertise to provide winning solutions.
Dedicated and Experienced Bankruptcy Representation
Ms. Fox and her dedicated staff can craft a creative assortment of remedies to put you, your family, or your company back on a sound financial footing, using customized representation that is tailored to your specific, unique needs.
Obtaining debt relief is not a do-it-yourself project. You need an experienced bankruptcy lawyer in your corner to guide you through the process and ensure that you receive a fresh start in life and wipe out your dischargeable debt.
We represent individuals and businesses from a wide range of backgrounds, professions, and family situations. Our representation is tailored to the exact needs of the client, and we ensure that each client is being provided the solutions that will best resolve its current financial concerns.
Get Expert Support for Business Financial Reorganization
During your initial consultation, we provide honest answers to your questions and make you aware of all available legal options. You will learn about the foundations of federal bankruptcy protection, including discharge and dischargeability of debt and the “automatic stay” that provides you with a breathing spell from creditors by stopping all collection efforts, harassment, and all foreclosure actions while you liquidate or restructure your debt.
Kamini Fox is a bankruptcy lawyer who brings quality representation in the following areas, to individuals and businesses in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens:
Representing businesses and individuals in reorganizing their debts and financial affairs through Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Representing landlords, secured creditors, and Committees in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases
Representing individuals and families to get a fresh start through Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy
Helping individuals and families save their homes and investment properties from foreclosure
Representing secured creditors and unsecured creditors in Chapters 7 and 13 bankruptcy cases
Representing individuals and businesses that are being sued or potentially could be sued in preference and fraudulent conveyance actions, and other bankruptcy adversary proceedings
Negotiating out-of-bankruptcy workouts and restructurings for businesses and professional individuals
You Can Have a Fresh Start in Life
Being in debt can have devastating effects on your life. If you are unable to pay your bills or are in the process of losing your home, the stress can affect your health, your family, and your relationships. When you need to find a bankruptcy lawyer in the New York Metropolitan area, call us.
For more than 20 years, Kamini has been involved in over a thousand cases and filed more than a thousand petitions with the Bankruptcy Court.
Attorney Kamini Fox’s ability to listen to you, map out a compelling debt recovery strategy, and follow through with aggressive advocacy is invaluable in securing your constitutional rights.
We Treat our Clients with Dignity and Respect while Aggressively Fighting to Establish a Fresh Start in Life.
From a job loss or illness to a divorce or unexpected home or vehicle repair, before you know it you’ve racked up thousands of dollars in debt.
If you are among the millions of Americans who have had life go the wrong way on them and who are struggling financially to pay their monthly bills and make even minimum credit card payments, you likely feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Do Any of These Descibe Your Situation?
When your money has run out, do you find that you still have groceries to purchase, bills to pay, and gas to buy?
Do you let your telephone ring and your mail pile up because you know it’s from harassing creditors?
Are you borrowing from one credit card to make your minimum payment on another?
Have you been threatened with having your power turned off, your home foreclosed on, your car repossessed or other drastic actions from creditors
Are you so overwhelmed by debt that you can barely sleep at night?
Are you living from paycheck to paycheck, constantly in fear of what is going to happen to you and your family if this financial situation continues?

Kamini Fox, PLLC
New York attorney practicing Bankruptcy Law, Debt Negotiation and Workouts, Mortgage Modifications, Foreclosure Defense, and Commercial Litigation including:
Stopping creditor harassment
Alternatives to bankruptcy
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Bankruptcy exemptions and asset preservation
Chapter 11 business and individual bankruptcy
Delayed and denied mortgage modifications
Foreclosure defense and options
Creditor representation
Bankruptcy litigation defense

"Kamini Fox best exemplifies professionalism and responsiveness. She is very knowledgeable and explained each step thoroughly with ease. Her practice brings confidence and assurance during a situation that can be overwhelmingly stressful. I strongly and highly recommend Ms. Fox!"
Contact Us.
Kamini Fox cares about your future. She understands that looming legal issues can be confusing and overwhelming. She believes in giving you maximum availability to her expertise throughout the legal process and in treating you with utmost care and respect.
We never sit in judgment of you. We want to help. We are dedicated to your success.
When you work with Kamini Fox, PLLC, you receive the benefits of working with knowledgeable attorneys during convenient office hours and at reasonable rates. Contact us. Our New York bankruptcy lawyers offer initial consultations arranged at 516-493-9920 or by email message.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code
Free Debt Evaluation
New York Bankruptcy Attorney Kamini Fox knows that it’s important to you to find the right attorney when you’re worried about how to deal with your debts. That’s why Attorney Kamini Fox offers a free consultation so you can discuss your particular case. You’ll have the opportunity to talk to Kamini about your situation, hear your options, and decide that Kamini is the lawyer to fight for your fresh start.
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Let's talk and see if bankruptcy is right for you and your business.